By Guest Writer: Emily Puklicz
A new year tends to be full of anticipation and expectation for what will unravel in the next days, weeks, and months. There's hope in what may fill those minutes and hours ahead. But it typically doesn't take long for a new year to leave us feeling unsure of the future, right?
There can be a false promise associated with calendar hope.
I often feel caught waiting for the dawning of the new and next, yet also wishing away the waiting, unknown, and uncertainty. This tossing and turning in darkness can feel unsettling as we wait for light to come. Thankfully, because of God’s faithfulness, we can know each moment holds divine purpose in darkness and in light.
Today's questions, decisions, and whatever challenge or celebration you are in the middle of right now are pieces of the elaborate journey of your life. Today greatly matters! God works through every moment, high and low, to bring Him glory and make us more like His beloved Son.
In moments of uncertainty, hopelessness, and despair, God is there.
In moments of anticipation, expectation, and hope, God is there.
Whatever moments compromise your day today, I encourage you to remember these promises of God!
He created all things through, from, and for himself and holds all things together. (Colossians 1)
He offers you grace, redemption, and forgiveness. (Ephesians 1:7)
He will go with you and never leave you. (Deuteronomy 31:6)
He is all knowing and in control of all things. (Psalm 139, Psalm 147)
He will work all things for the good of those who love and trust him. (Romans 8:28)
He makes a home in our hearts through faith. (Ephesians 3:17)
He loves you and gives you new life through belief in Jesus. (Galatians 5:20)
These promises of God do not instantly turn on the lights of awareness in the darkness and uncertainty, but they do reveal His constant presence, steadfast peace, joy, and gratitude for the way.
Which truth of God’s character gives you lasting hope today?

Emily is passionate about people, Biblical truth, and writing. She loves to combine these by encouraging women to live out their purpose to love God and serve him. For specific content from Emily on perfectionism and productivity, check out #redeemedlistoholic. You can also find her on Instagram and Facebook at @em.puklicz .