“And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night.”
Exodus 13:21 (ESV)
I have a confession to make: I am a winter wimp.
Growing up in Florida, I became used to year-round sunshine, palm trees blowing in the wind on my way to school, and beach days in December.
Having lived in middle Tennessee for the past ten years, I find myself daydreaming about those warmer days; feeling lonely at times, stuck inside, and honestly, a little bitter at the fact that I have to layer so many pieces of clothing on myself and our children just to go to the grocery store.
See? Winter wimp. I will own it!
It’s in these cold winter seasons that I crave connection with God and others the most. Not that I don’t want those things in the summer months, but when it feels like temperatures are too low and the skies are too grey, everyone seems to retreat to their homes, including our family.
Isolation feels like the norm.
One particularly cold morning, I woke up while it was still dark, cranked up our fireplace, and started writing in my journal about how much I wanted and needed God to help pull me through this winter season. Not only was it cold outside, but we were also facing challenges in our family that placed us in a season of waiting.
Maybe you’ve experienced one of these long, cold, hard seasons, too.
As I stared at our fireplace that morning, God reminded me of the Israelites as He led them through the wilderness.
“And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night.” Exodus 13:21 (ESV)
Cloud by day, fire by night.
God’s holiness, protection, and provision were symbolized by fire, warmth, and light during the darkest times. It was His light that guided the Israelites, His warmth they relied on during cold nights.
Scholars believe that any time we see fire mentioned in the Bible, it can be associated with God’s presence.
What a beautiful reminder during our colder winter months—the same God who led the Israelites by cloud and fire is the same God who leads us today.
When you see a flame, whether it’s a candle, a gas fireplace, a gas burner lit on your stove, a fire pit, or a bonfire blazing, remember God’s presence. Remember His holiness. He’s with you in your cold, low, and lonely moments, reaching out to you with light and warmth.
Even in the chill of winter, God’s presence is a fire that can ignite our faith.
Friend, as we look toward warmer months, I pray we don’t miss the subtle, tangible reminders of God’s holiness today. May we fix our hearts and minds on Him.
1. If you live in Florida or anywhere warm, you can go ahead and forward this devotion to your northern friends. They're probably cold. 🤣
2. On a more serious note, if you're like me and you're facing challenges or you're ready for some warmer weather, feel free to pray this prayer:
Lord, thank You for tangible reminders of Your presence. Thank you for being my constant companion no matter what season I'm in. I ask you that you continue to draw near today and reveal yourself, your character, and your plans for me. You're a good Father, and I love you. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
