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Don't Be a Dull Disciple

Writer's picture: MandyMandy

Updated: Feb 21

Big Takeaway: Celebration combats dull discipleship.

Are you a “word of the year” person?

Normally, I am not. I enjoy reading what friends and family hope to focus on, but candidly, I've never fully bought into this practice for myself.

However, people can change, right?

I’ve chosen a word to focus on in 2022 and would love to encourage you to focus on it more as well.

Richard Foster said in his book, Celebration of Discipline,

“Celebration is central to all the spiritual disciplines. Without a joyful spirit of festivity, the disciples become dull, death-breathing tools in the hands of modern Pharisees.”

Whoa. Death-breathing tools? Really? That seems a little extreme, Richard.

But after reflecting on these lines, I realized there’s truth to what he’s saying to us.

Celebration is a central spiritual discipline because, let’s be honest, sometimes it’s hard to celebrate, right? It takes practice to see God's goodness and provision in our lives. In the same way we discipline ourselves to pray, fast, and give, we must also discipline ourselves to celebrate!

When we don’t actively look for things to celebrate, we become dull disciples. We blend in.

Richard's words kicked me in the face because I've had days and seasons when I haven't celebrated what's in front of me. Have you had those days or seasons, too?

The good news is this: Whether celebrating comes easily to you or not, as Jesus followers, we have reason to celebrate each day.

We have a Savior who loves us. We have Good News to share no matter how much bad news is out there.

Joy is at our fingertips when we have eyes to see it, or rather, eyes to see Him.

So, after spending time in prayer, the word I’d like to focus on in 2022 is: Celebrate.

Celebrate Jesus. Celebrate people. Celebrate growth and healing. Celebrate opportunities. Celebrate life.

Celebrating doesn't have to look like a party, colorful confetti, and cake all of the time, even though that’s so much fun and who doesn’t love cake? Instead, celebrating can be a daily prayer thanking God for what’s in front of you, finding joy in the mundane tasks of life, or singing along to worship music in the car.

Our daily discipline of celebration will help us combat dull discipleship.

As we grow in our faith, I pray the spiritual discipline of celebration becomes alive and active in our lives this year, and, I pray our joy is what marks us as Jesus followers.

Happy New Year!

Reflect: What is one thing you can celebrate today? How can you incorporate the spiritual discipline of celebration more into your life this year?



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